
Bold &chic!!!

QuietRobin、秋のジュエリーのテーマはBold&chic‼! 大粒の石を使ってしかし、大味ではなくシックなジュエリーを作りたいと考えています。第一作がこれ。大粒レピドクロサイトです!このペンダントトップはなんと長さ2㎝という大きさ!大風呂敷を広げましたが後のbold&chicはまだRobinの頭の中にしかありません(+_+)明日からがんばる予定でございます。
My theme for the autumn collection-Bold'n Chic! The first item is this huge lepidocrocite!
This pendant top is 20mmbig!  But other item is under construction, they are just in my head.
Will proceed from tomorrow.


Ethiopian Opal‼ エチオピアンオパール!!


I've been making various ethiopian opal earrings, and next month, October birthstone is opal!!
So I thought that I had to make some special opal earrings. It wasn't so simple.When I make this style earrings-french hoop with briolette, I wire them up all together, but, this is opal, they are very fragile,so I attached small jumpring to connect the ethiopian drop, but this looked silly, So I added my usual briolette drop, but the gold color of the wire stands out, and I didn't like it.
After these trial and error, this is the one! After all I made 3 pairs! I've not listed any of them in my Etsy shop, but I will, slowly though.


New series!! but... 新シリーズなのですが。。。

colorless jewelryにしようかと思ったのですが、気が付けば赤や緑の石をあわせてしまい(+_+)
My latest series, using such a tiny keshi pearl! But!! I can't think of the name, I love naming my series, but this time is an exceptional. At first I thought up the name Sugar Dust, but I made another piece using gray keshi pearl, then I thought up the name colorless jewelry but found myself coordinating green,red stones. Anyways, my babies start running without name. It may take some time.


Energy flow?

It can be said with many other things, too. If you take a break it will take some time before your energy flows smoothly. I had a short break lately, and find some difficulty making smoothly!
This is the first earrings I made after that.  I hope my engine will go on!


September birthstone-9月誕生石

Birthstone series, September is sapphire! I love sapphire, for one reason its wide variation of the color like tourmaline. This is Madagaskar sapphire. Difficult to buy big and beautiful stone!


Towards the end of the summer-残暑お見舞い申し上げます

夏の前半のクレージーな暑さを過ぎ、秋の足音が聞こえるような気のする今日この頃です。今年の夏はなんといってもこれ!コーラルジュエリーです。色々な組み合わせで作りましたがこのタンザナイトとアイオライトを使ったこのピアスが個人的にはかなり気に入っています!まだ売れずに手元にいてくれています。(変な日本語でした、すみません)ここのところ、大宣伝していたLacyLadyの後は9月誕生石、サファイヤジュエリー、そのあとは無彩色の煌めき、Colorless Jewelryを計画しています!

The best summer jewelry this year, it's the coral jewelry! Especially this coral plus tanzanite&iolite! Next week i will list Sapphire jewelry, and then the colorless gemstone jewelry which will be the new series(oh so many series!) for autumn.
 Lately I got too lazy to list etsy shop('_')



Lacy Lady!

The previous blog was written on June! Oh, what have I been doing? Sure, making jewelry and listing and shipping....I made pretty many this summer, but best of all is this my new series, Lacy Lady! I already made 4pairs of earrings! I will go on and make more complex pieces!


Can you tell the name of the stone? クイズ!この石はなんでしょう?



Can you tell the name of the stone? Looks like gray agate, but in fact this is gray moonstone.
Moonstone, many people may think about white or transparent stone with blue flash. But  some moonstone has orange and gray color. It's June birthstone.As June birthstone, perhaps pearls are more popular. I was born on June. When I was small I didn't like my birthstone, pearl. Why not shining stone like sapphire, ruby etc? But later found out that moonstones are also June birthstone, which made me feel better. I love moonstone, aren't they mysterious?


Finds at Nikko! 日光で見つけたもの

These are what I found at Nikko. Very very small pine cones. Took a pic at macro mode like I take my jewelry pic! And this is maple leaf with only few leaf turning to red at spring time! This is a mystery!  Is this an important message?

Small trip to Nikko 日光へのちっちゃな旅

すごく久しぶりに国内旅行をしました!日光です!東照宮と輪王寺を見ました。いずれも徳川の威信をいかんなく発揮した建造物に将軍の権力の偉大さに恐れ入りました。といって写真は眠り猫なのですが。。。I made a small trip to Nikko. This is very famous sleeping cat, you can see him at Toshogu. 

Order jewelry!!!

I love order jewelry! This 5strands ethiopian opal bracelet, was not easy one for me!
But anyway, I shipped them, and I'm feeling both loneliness and oh how can I put it, the feeling like I did it! Making whimsical jewelry came back to me. Once my clay teacher told me, that we should take part in art show sometimes, if you don't your jewelry will be too small, well, order jewelry is like an art show for me.


Working on Gem Bouquet Pendant-ジェムブーケネックレス製作風景


Gem bouquet necklace, one of QuietRobin's original series-starts from carefully choosing the stones that best matches. Some times this first step takes longest .
そしてこういう形になります!!And here's the results!

Working on clay 製作風景


Seems like I got tired after making listing the jewelries continuously. So,started making clay beads! Making clay jewelry is much different from making gemstone jewelry. Kneading and pinching clay with my own hands, I feel it's much more primitive action  than doing wire wrapping.
Making clay jewelry is somewhat console for me. After the previous  earthquake I had been making clay. It has some power of healing, maybe.


The best time to shoot? 写真撮影、ベストの時間はいつ?

When is your best time to shoot? I'm not talking about dangerous matter, the photo! I've learned the best time to shoot the photo is early in the morning, but I prefer the sunshine just before it sets. 


Inspired by baby maple leaf in my memory 思い出の紅葉の新緑


This design had long been just in my head, but finally I made it. This earring is inspired by young leaf of maple tree. I used to have the maple tree in my garden, which I loved watching  around May, the young leaf yellow green and red. This tree no longer exists. I have many other trees which stand just in my memory.

OOAK most of the time, but. 一点もの?

I don't usually make the same jewelry just like many other artists! But this piece is exception!
This is one of my series atomic gem, but this time it looks more like a peacock!

Working on cluster  製作風景 クラスタージュエリー

At this moment, I'm working on cluster jewelry with ethiopian opal rondelle and lapis!
Ethiopian opal babies resting on soft bead mat,  this mat is soft like a blanket, so it will be toohot for them before long.


Raw stone jewelry!!  原石ジュエリー!!

夢中になった石の一つ。ですが、原石への未練断ちがたく、入手致しました!!クリスタルクォーツの原石です!(ダイヤモンドは今回諦めました。あまりに小さいので....) これがとてもよい原石でした!!捨てる神あれば拾う神あり、です。通常のクリスタルクォーツも珍しい形、カットのものがあるのでせっせと作りました。今日から毎日、出品しようと張り切っています(^◇^)

So, my dream to make raw diamond jewelry for April birthstone came to an end. Other stones for April? I found crystal quartz which I have many kind. But, but  I still couldn't give up my yearning for raw stone. So, I got raw crystal quartz. This time the stone was stunning!

AAAugh~Not drilled?:;@* ブルーダイヤモンド原石!!!

April! The birthstone is diamond! So I purchased raw diamond, hot trend stone! They finally arrived! I tried to make earrings with these stone, but couldn't insert the wire. To my great great
disappointment they were not drilled! April birthstone will be some other stone(T_T)


Ready to ship!! 発送準備完了!

毎週、日本をはじめ、様々なところへジュエリーたちが旅立っていきます。日本の場合はまだ想像がつきますが、海外の場合は行ったことのない場所であることの方が多いです。しばし、どんなところかなーなどと思いつつラッピングをする今日この頃です。Every week my jewelry leaves Tokyo, to the new owner. If the destination is Japan, I can imagine, but overseas, in many cases I don't have any experience for going there. I wonder how the place is like as I wrap the jewelry.

Deep inside the stone

Have you looked into the marble, acrylic bead, or stone when you are kid? This stone reminds me of the time. Deep inside this purple stone has a beautiful universe.


Tulips!! チューリップ!

QuietRobinのヴィンテージラインのうちでも人気のヴィンテージチューリップです!このヴィンテージチューリップ、色は5色。表面はなんとも言えないフロスティな感じです。これは記念すべき初めて買ったヴィンテージ素材でした。春爛漫まであと一歩の今日この頃ですが、いち早く沢山作ってみました(^◇^)出番を待っているところです。Vintage tulip earrings all in row! Perfect for spring time! This is the first vintage bead I bought! Very memorable bead for me(^◇^)Which color is your favorite?


Off line のジュエリー(T_T) Jewelries not listed.

立春とはいえ、暦だけのことと思われる今日この頃です。今日はせっかく作ったもののお蔵入りとなってしまったジュエリーについてちょっとしゃべろうかと思っています。このピアスは今、三つのお店で展開中の真鍮フープピアスの一つです。一つ、気に入ったデザインができるとそれだけでは飽き足らずついつい幾つも作ってしまいます。この緑の石はツァボライトといい、ガーネットの一種です。濃い緑が美しく気に入って買った石ですが、作っている途中でこのデザインにはちょっともろいことに気が付きました。力を加えるとさようなら=とばかりに脱落していってしまいます。残念ですがこれも私物になりそうな一品です。こちらのオパールはOnlineです!早々Sold をいただきました(^◇^)
Not all of my creation will be online(T_T)This green earrings, the stone is tsavolite green garnet, is off line. I love the deep color but little bit too fragile for this design.
This ethiopian opal earring is online! Got sold out quickly(^◇^)


2015年初ブログ!!ちょっと遅い(*´Д`) First blog post for 2015‼

今年もQuietRobin&ClayGemともによろしくお願いいたします。なんて、もう2月も近くなってしまいました。ブログは遅いですが、作品は毎日、作っています(^◇^)これは最近、幾つも作ったジェムラップシリーズです。ミスティッククォーツのトリオで写真を撮りました。ただいま、出番を待っているところです。These gorgeous earrings are my latest series for GemWrap Jewelry! They are mystic quartz trio waiting for the show!