
My very first ring! 初の指輪!#ring #aquamarine# raw stone jewelry#unique ring

I did it!I finally listed my first ring ! I've been trying to make ring-something special! This ring is holding the stone with one nail! I wanted minimum nail, without glue of course. I listed two rings, and oddly enough, both of them were
aquamarine! Someone told me i have some connection with aquamarine?
 It's a mystery.


Long time no see、 お久しぶりです!#vintage jewelry #brooch #ヴィンテージジュエリー#ブローチ

ご無沙汰しています、jewelry designerのrobinです。(ポリマークレイも最近ご無沙汰)
Long time no see. Hi, this is robin, jewelry designer.
I've been away from writing blog for a quite long time, but I'm doing okay.
The photo is my new series, I've been making! It's a brooch! This is the first time to make brooch. It took a while to make this piece, planning to list on October.


Polymer clay paper weight #ポリマークレイ*ハンドメイド*クラフト

It's past Feb, I'm ashamed to say, it's my first blog 2018! This year I'm planning to launch a new series new line of jewelry. But first, I want to clear away, at least sort out so many supplies, you know, you need A LOT Of supply to be a clayer.
I found this! Polymer clay paper weight, countless flowers buried.
I recalled the time when I made them...