February is ending soon~ As I was browsing the neighborhood, I found Sakura!! Usually the plum comes first, and after the plum flower, comes the sakura. But, this year, plum and sakura at the same time!! But the sakura looks somewhat lonely ahead of its season.
ジュエリー&ポリマークレイ アーティスト ロビンのブログ Jewelry & polymerclay artist-Robin's blog
Featured!!Lacy Lady!ーIichi通信
掲載されたのはこいオレンジ色が印象的なカーネリアンのピアス、QuietRobinのオリジナルシリーズ、Lacy Ladyのピアスです!!Lacy Ladyはとてもとても力を入れたシリーズでしたが、知名度が今一つで、なかなか販売に結びつきませんでした((+_+))
ところが掲載された夜に早速Lacy Lady、soldをいただきました!これからもめげずにがんばろうと思います!
My earring is featured in Iichi tuushin. What is iichi tuushin? Iichi is a market place in Japan, with many Japanese artisans. So, Iichi tuushin is like Etsy find! This earring is one of my original series Lacy lady, which I put so much focus! But didn't have a very good luck in finding the owner. But, soon after this, one of my lacy lady earring is sold! i must keep on going~
掲載されたのはこいオレンジ色が印象的なカーネリアンのピアス、QuietRobinのオリジナルシリーズ、Lacy Ladyのピアスです!!Lacy Ladyはとてもとても力を入れたシリーズでしたが、知名度が今一つで、なかなか販売に結びつきませんでした((+_+))
ところが掲載された夜に早速Lacy Lady、soldをいただきました!これからもめげずにがんばろうと思います!
My earring is featured in Iichi tuushin. What is iichi tuushin? Iichi is a market place in Japan, with many Japanese artisans. So, Iichi tuushin is like Etsy find! This earring is one of my original series Lacy lady, which I put so much focus! But didn't have a very good luck in finding the owner. But, soon after this, one of my lacy lady earring is sold! i must keep on going~
It's Sakura Season!! 春! 桜の季節です!
Tokyo was so warm today、the weather urged me to make spring jewelry! This is my very first jewelry using fiber. This idea has been sitting in my head for a quite long time, it was too long.
I should've made it earlier, using white color for the winter! I put my ideas only in my head, taking too long before getting it out. That' s one of my goal this year, to move quickly (well, it's already Feb, a little bit late for anew year's resolution!) Took the photo soon after making it, the time was close to the sunset, but I think they don't need further editing.
Tokyo was so warm today、the weather urged me to make spring jewelry! This is my very first jewelry using fiber. This idea has been sitting in my head for a quite long time, it was too long.
I should've made it earlier, using white color for the winter! I put my ideas only in my head, taking too long before getting it out. That' s one of my goal this year, to move quickly (well, it's already Feb, a little bit late for anew year's resolution!) Took the photo soon after making it, the time was close to the sunset, but I think they don't need further editing.
Taking photo-light color gemstones ジュエリーの写真撮影、薄い色の石
Rose quartz, crystal, pink amethyst, green amethyst....
The light color stones are so beautiful! But, when it comes to taking good pic, they are troublesome! Background color? I usually use white, but the light color stone doesn't really show with white background. Black or gray? The transparent stone shows black and gray background color also, which is like pink plus gray-which is not beautiful. This pink amethyst also has very light color. First I used white background as usual, but in the end, settled with linen background.
Trial and error with these stones will continue.
Rose quartz, crystal, pink amethyst, green amethyst....
The light color stones are so beautiful! But, when it comes to taking good pic, they are troublesome! Background color? I usually use white, but the light color stone doesn't really show with white background. Black or gray? The transparent stone shows black and gray background color also, which is like pink plus gray-which is not beautiful. This pink amethyst also has very light color. First I used white background as usual, but in the end, settled with linen background.
Trial and error with these stones will continue.
Your best plier?? Made in Japan? お気に入りのペンチたち
ジュエリーの販売を考えだしたころ、まずは道具を本格的なものを揃えねば!と力んだものでした。本格的なペンチといえば、Lindstrom! 早速購入しました。対象物のつかみがすごくしっかりできます。さすがはLindstromだな~と使っていました。しかし、時がたち気が付くと使っているペンチの中に日本製が多くなってきました。この黄緑はたしかクローバー製でしたか??とにかく日本製ですが、横のレバーをあげるとペンチが閉じたままでいてくれます。この機能に感動して使い続けています。あと欠かせないのはベントノーズ、ペンチの先が曲がって持ち上がった形のペンチ、
When I first started out, I thought I should have very nice tools, since my techniques weren't superior as using no good tool. So, I bought Lindstrom, famous one! But, today, the tools I use are from many places, not only Lindstrom. This light green plier is my favorite, this lever enables the plier to close, so that I don't have to squeeze the plier while holding it. What I want now? A plier with small head as small as needle!
ジュエリーの販売を考えだしたころ、まずは道具を本格的なものを揃えねば!と力んだものでした。本格的なペンチといえば、Lindstrom! 早速購入しました。対象物のつかみがすごくしっかりできます。さすがはLindstromだな~と使っていました。しかし、時がたち気が付くと使っているペンチの中に日本製が多くなってきました。この黄緑はたしかクローバー製でしたか??とにかく日本製ですが、横のレバーをあげるとペンチが閉じたままでいてくれます。この機能に感動して使い続けています。あと欠かせないのはベントノーズ、ペンチの先が曲がって持ち上がった形のペンチ、
When I first started out, I thought I should have very nice tools, since my techniques weren't superior as using no good tool. So, I bought Lindstrom, famous one! But, today, the tools I use are from many places, not only Lindstrom. This light green plier is my favorite, this lever enables the plier to close, so that I don't have to squeeze the plier while holding it. What I want now? A plier with small head as small as needle!
投稿 (Atom)