
Energy flow?

It can be said with many other things, too. If you take a break it will take some time before your energy flows smoothly. I had a short break lately, and find some difficulty making smoothly!
This is the first earrings I made after that.  I hope my engine will go on!


September birthstone-9月誕生石

Birthstone series, September is sapphire! I love sapphire, for one reason its wide variation of the color like tourmaline. This is Madagaskar sapphire. Difficult to buy big and beautiful stone!


Towards the end of the summer-残暑お見舞い申し上げます

夏の前半のクレージーな暑さを過ぎ、秋の足音が聞こえるような気のする今日この頃です。今年の夏はなんといってもこれ!コーラルジュエリーです。色々な組み合わせで作りましたがこのタンザナイトとアイオライトを使ったこのピアスが個人的にはかなり気に入っています!まだ売れずに手元にいてくれています。(変な日本語でした、すみません)ここのところ、大宣伝していたLacyLadyの後は9月誕生石、サファイヤジュエリー、そのあとは無彩色の煌めき、Colorless Jewelryを計画しています!

The best summer jewelry this year, it's the coral jewelry! Especially this coral plus tanzanite&iolite! Next week i will list Sapphire jewelry, and then the colorless gemstone jewelry which will be the new series(oh so many series!) for autumn.
 Lately I got too lazy to list etsy shop('_')



Lacy Lady!

The previous blog was written on June! Oh, what have I been doing? Sure, making jewelry and listing and shipping....I made pretty many this summer, but best of all is this my new series, Lacy Lady! I already made 4pairs of earrings! I will go on and make more complex pieces!